Kafka Duende
K. cannot countenance He is trying not to cause But his father will not visit.
K. feels responsible, even though he can’t know He stands at attention before the fireplace, He finds himself agreeing with his father.
On his calling card, the emblem of jackdaws He is taken unawares by the serving girl K. doubles into multiple K.’s –
K. has discovered his true punishment So K. chooses to be disobedient But his father is too important to speak
Wouldn’t it have been nice someone who likes the same things toys of the future, made
K. opens the book and begins to chant. He takes some comfort Even if the father dies,
K. has been circumcised This ought to have brought them Instead, it imposed a distance.
Of course there is a real castle The servant’s entrance is to the back. Worse than heaven’s silence, he feels,
K. understands why Easier to love the one who didn’t live
K. takes himself much too seriously. No matter how far he tries to get away, K. halves the distance so often,
Sometimes the dreams seem stronger Who are the voices on the phone? His father has sent messengers
Is all of nature like this, K. wonders, He has seen so many mutilated bodies He would like to share their stories
The ones who suffer and die A child spins by, a mad top. Whenever his father comes home,
K. has found the perfect woman. He would like to fill her with his father, She enjoys watching the panthers
Where is the mother in all this? The letter K. wrote to him She would appreciate
K. makes everything so complicated. Both would like K. to stop worrying Such engagements can only break up.
K. is still living with his parents. He keeps fading in and out The only words his father ever said
K. studies a workman’s mangled arm. K. must be as hard as machines Machines are the law now, K. thinks.
The problem with words is once they escape, There is no cure for this disease Just like his father, K. wants
K. no longer writes about himself It would be criminal to love the sanatorium, He fears that any child he engenders
It’s time that K. finally made He cannot, because his K. would like to marry his father
K. would like a different father. He likes the one with the black patch K. longs to be kidnapped,