Ice Storm Blues "When you gonna git a job? My daddy
warned me you one lazy sorry ass "Baby, don't talk like that. We gots food. We gots a roof. What
more "Money. I ain't gonna be the only one working. I hate cleaning "Quit cleaning houses." "Quit! Then what we's gonna eat?" "I'm playing in Monroe this weekend. There's gonna be money." "If you bring any of it home." "I'll bring you home every dime, baby." "Why don't you get a real job? Go work at the mill." "I ain't working no mill." "Sammy makes a lot of money working on the barge." "You don't want me gone for thirty days working no damn filthy
barge. "No one makes it big singing the blues. You got to do rap or gospel." "Baby, Elmore James can hear you." "No more Elmore James talk. He partied hard and died young." "Big Joe Turner, Hound Dog Taylor, Sam Myers, Homesick James.
Eddie "Dead. All dead and no one even knows who they were." "What about Robert Johnson, baby? He's still here. That Indian
even "You spend all your time reading books about blues men while I
clean "Baby, I care about your blues." "Then clean this joint before I come home." "You know I ain't lettin you clean our house." "No, I gets to come home to a pig pen." Tyler meant to start cleaning, but he picked up his guitar and
started "Damn, when did it start raining, Mrs. Brixie?" "Don't be using foul language with me. It started raining a few
hours "I was just on my way to the store. I'm gonna stock up. You need "Get me a loaf of break and pint of skim milk. Wait here, "I'll do that. Now, you git in your apartment and stay warm.
I'll be "Don't be spending my money on beer, Tyler. You know why we're
getting "Don't blame the ice storm on me, Mrs. Brixie. I'm gonna play
gospel "Ain't I always there?" "Well, God ain't mad at you, Mrs. Brixie." "Hurry now. This rain is turning to sleet." Tyler laughed at the dollar and wondered if Mrs. Brixie really
thought "Nasty weather heading our way," said the old lady in front of him. "Yes, Ma'am, it ain't looking good. God ain't happy with someone." "Don't be blaming this ice on me!" "It ain't you God's mad at. I can see that by looking at you." "Quit flirting with me! It's you God's mad at. You better go
home and "You sure got a way with women, Tyler," the clerk laughed. "Ain't like this when I'm singing. You coming down to the club
tonight, "I ain't leaving my couch. Ain't gonna be nobody at the club tonight." "You's probably right. La Tresha will be glad I'm home." "Don't count on that," Billy laughed. "What you mean by that, Billy?" "Nothing. Nothing. She probably likes it when she can sit on the "You think she's seeing someone else?" "Tyler, calm down, man. I don't mean nothing. You better walk
home Tyler opened a beer and headed home wondering if La Tresha was seeing "Where's my change, Tyler?" "Ain't no change, Mrs. Brixie. I paid thirty-seven cents of my
own "You buy me fancy bread? I like Wonder Bread." "Maybe you get a senior discount or something, but it cost me
one "Maybe God ain't mad at you, but I sure am," she said
slamming the "God just tole me he ain't happy with you because of your bad
manners, "Tyler, you ain't cleaned nothing!" "Baby, I've been running errands for Mrs. Brixie. I couldn't say
no to "You and your excuses." "Baby, you go take a nap. I'm gonna clean this house real purty." Soon as La Tresha went to bed, Tyler grabbed another beer, cranked up "Turn that damn music down so I can sleep!" "Sorry, baby." Tyler worried there was another man. There
certainly "Wake up, La Tresha. Dinner's made." "Dinner?" "Baby, you know I love you. Now come an eat." La Tresha looked at the candlelit table and wondered if the storm
would "I ain't never had sauteed okra like this before, Tyler." "Me either. You like it?" "It ain't bad." "Neither are you, baby." When the power went out, Tyler knew it was because God was doing him
a * "Damn, when did it start raining, Mrs. Brixie?" "Don't be using foul language with me. It started a few hours
ago. "Knock on the wall if I get too noisy. You know how the music
moves "I know how our landlord's gonna move you outta here. Even God
can't "Don't blame the ice storm on me, Mrs. Brixie. I'm gonna play
gospel "Yes you are. I was just on my way to the store. You need anything?" "Get me a loaf of bread and pint of skim milk. Bring me back the "I'll do that. Now, you get in your apartment and stay warm." "Hurry now. This rain is turning to sleet." Walking to Piggly Wiggly, Tyler thought about his gig at the club, "Nasty weather heading our way," said the old lady in front of Tyler. "Yes, Ma'am, it ain't looking good. God ain't happy with someone." "Don't be blaming this ice storm on me! I teach Sunday
School." "I ain't leaving my couch. Nobody gonna be at the club." "You probably right. I won't be bringing home any money tonight." "You better walk home before your hair starts turning to ice.
It's "Here's your food, Mrs. Brixie." "Where's my change, Tyler?" "Ain't no change. I paid forty-seven cents of my own money." "You buy me that fancy bread? I like soft white bread," she
said "God just told me he ain't happy with you because of your bad
(photo by Nikita Cox) |